Where do the eggs you buy come from?


When I was still an English teacher a few years ago I used to analyse an Edwin Brock poem with the Grade 9s.  It is called The Song of the Battery Hen.  Take a look

Where do the eggs you buy come from?2019-07-01T07:52:07+02:00

Highlights from the course last weekend.


Last weekend we hosted our first 'Introduction to Permaculture' course at PicardiPlace. I am happy to report that all went well and I am confident that everyone involved found it enjoyable and learned a lot.

Highlights from the course last weekend.2019-07-01T07:52:07+02:00

Hierdie week in die tuin: 24 – 29 Okt.


Laat ek begin deur om verskoning te vra vir my afwesigheid van die laaste paar dae. Verlede week was daar so baie om te doen te voorbereiding vir ons eerste 'Bekendstelling aan Permakultuur'-kursus. Ek kan

Hierdie week in die tuin: 24 – 29 Okt.2019-07-01T07:52:10+02:00

This week in the garden: 15 – 21 October


With the cold weather continuing in the Western Cape one just hopes that the plants will be able to hang on for another week or so. Spring is bound to arrive sometime  - this is

This week in the garden: 15 – 21 October2019-07-01T07:52:10+02:00

Lankal somer in die Ooskaap!


Terwyl ons nog bibber in die Weskaap is daar al plekke in die land waar die lente in volle swang is. Hier is 'n paar fotos van my ouers se tuin in Kirwood.

Lankal somer in die Ooskaap!2019-07-01T07:52:10+02:00

Time for beating around the bush is running out


“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple. There is much to do. We must all try to increase our skills, to model trials, and to pass on the results. If a

Time for beating around the bush is running out2012-10-09T08:10:12+02:00

This week in the garden: 7 – 14 October


If you haven't done so already tomorrow (Monday) is the day to get those seedlings out into the garden. Here in the Western Cape everyone I speak to wishes the for the weather to finally

This week in the garden: 7 – 14 October2012-10-08T00:02:00+02:00

Kan ‘n mens winkelaartappels vir moere gebruik?


As jy aartappels wat jy by 'n winkel gekoop het wat begin uitloop, het jy seker niks om te verloor deur dit te plant nie. Jy kan dit tog in elkgeval nie meer eet nie.

Kan ‘n mens winkelaartappels vir moere gebruik?2012-10-06T19:21:31+02:00



For the best results when transplanting dip the plug (roots with soil) in vermi slurry just before you put it into the soil. To make vermi slurry take half vermicast and half water and stir


Sunday and Monday for TRANSPLANTING


Make sure you get your seedlings from a nursery tomorrow if you didn't sow your own seeds in time. Be careful of just picking the largest seedlings as they may have been in the tray

Sunday and Monday for TRANSPLANTING2019-07-01T07:52:10+02:00
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